Young Life Interrupted - A Podcast For Young Caregivers

My Career & Caregiving Journey

Adrienne Glusman Episode 28

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If there’s one stage in life during which job flexibility is extra valuable, it’s when you’re a caregiver for a loved one while also trying to do your best at work. Caregivers get caught in the crosshairs, responsible for the home front, caregiving, and a profession which leads many of them to have to either reduce their hours or quit their job completely.  

When you have that trifecta of responsibilities, caring for aging parents and/or raising children at the same time while working, it can take a significant toll on your career and work performance. The stress can be tremendous. In reality, you’re essentially holding down two jobs, and work-life balance takes on a whole new meaning!

Just know that you are not alone.

In today's episode I share my career journey while caregiving - going from working a 9-5 job to finding remote work to eventually starting my own small business, all while caregiving for my Mom.   I share the ups and downs and the motivation behind wanting to become my own boss - one thing I will NEVER regret & helped me tremendously in balancing the demands of caregiving.   

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